Accidental Story of Wamena (5) : Sayurnangka eh Sayonara
angkutannya wamena itu ya minimal strada ato ford ranger |
Day 4 : Monday, August 11st 2014 : Sayonara
Last day at Wamena, times for leaving. kakakRoy mengantarkan gw ke
bandara, setelah sebelumnya menemani gw belanja markisa dan ipere untuk
oleh-oleh keluarga sentani. “hati-hati…
salam buat keluarga sentani..”katanya singkat sambil melambaikan tangan. Gw
tersenyum. Ah, sungguh kakakRoy yang baik (thx for ur kindness). Di sebuah
bangku ruang tunggu gw menunggu setelah sebuah tiket checkin gw pegang dalam
genggaman. Ruang tunggu penerbangan yang sederhana. Gak ada checking point, gak
ada gate, hanya sebuah ruang yang dibatasi oleh tembok bata dan atap seng. Gak
ada LCD untuk pengumuman penerbangan, dan gak ada toilet bersih. Truly wamena.
menunjukkan pukul 09.00 siang ketika pesawat trigana penerbangan pertama
tinggal landas, terlambat 2 jam disbanding waktu yang ditentukan. Itu berarti,
pesawat gw yang adalah penerbangan kedua trigana, akan lebih terlambat.
kakakGas yang bekerja di MAF menghampiri gw disela jam istirahatnya, membawakan
secangkir teh panas. “ah… finally, have
to leave this place…”gumam gw. tiga hari yang terlalu berkesan di Wamena. “just keep in touch, ok! If u got a signal,
don’t forget to call me.”kata kakaGas berpesan ketika meninggalkan gw. “I’ll visit u, nextime”. gw tersenyum
mengangguk. Beberapa pesan singkat gw kirim ke teman2 wamena, Friska, kkGas,
kkYesa, kkRoy, Bibit, dan mas2Ojek Om Ali. Such an unexpectable trip, met them,
people I didn’t know first, but so kindly help me in anything. Then, I open my
note, write something. Something that maybe will be my monolog, the word as an
ending of my wamena story. An ending which maybe ‘ll become the beginning of
the other story :
When we looking for something,
someday we will find them. Even when we dont know what we looking for, God will
guide us to something we have to find. To find a friend is not an easy
thing.morever,To find a good one. To find a way is not an easy thing.
Morever,To find a good one.we change, we move, we do anything to get everything
better than before, better than yesteday. But we dont know thing happen
today,thing happen tomorrow,sometimes we will success then failed and go down.
Sometimes we will laugh then cry all of the night. But its life!!!
To met them,to travel with them, to share many story with them, to have a laugh together, to being mad on each other, is more than what we expected. Its more than we planned. Its more and more. Coz even we dont know what we looking for,God always guide us to something we have to find.
In the end of story we always wish it 'll lead us to some other better story
Much,much thx for all people at this story :
pakPolisi Priyo, omOjek Ali, kakMarthen, kakSelastina, kakSintike, kakIyek,
uncleMile, Bibit, Fida, omRoy, omYosep Pagawak, ,buNani, kakErna, and people of
And special thx for
Friska Simanjuntak, kak Yesa, and kak Gasco Lum..this is truly Awesome! God
Bless U all..
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