Selasa, 16 September 2014

Ngasal Cuap : When U decide to Life Alone #randomthinking

Ngasal Cuap : When U decide to Life Alone #randomthinking
hidup itu pilihan cuy
List to Do & Prepared when U decide to
 Life Alone
1.  Have enough money (richer better). 
Its mean u have to have a good career,  have good business, and good investment
2. Be healthy. 
Have a good nutrition, eat well, sleep well, get exercise routinely so u  still can be health and  be  productive till 70 y.o
3. Make more relationship, more friends, more network, more connection.
 Living alone doesn’t mean U have to stay away with society
4. Be tough, be independent. Learn more, do more.
5. Don’t forget to Prepare Life Insurrance
We don’t want any bad thing happen in our life, but who know?. There are always plan B in our plan of Life
6. Live Alone is ‘bout principle. 
 Don’t worry bout people judgment. And don’t do if u don’t want to.
7. how about make generation? Ah, that’s a big problem, I don’t have any idea bout this.
 World will lose out if my,ur generation be extinct. à we will think it latter
8. last but not least, Believe it, U’re Alone, doesn’t mean u’re lonely. And believe, Allah Always with Us.

-by : tutut, Sept,15th 2014,on random ideas-


1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

hi mbak dokter tutut...

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Gugun ... Email: